Archive for Small Business Taxes – Page 4

When drafting partnership and LLC operating agreements, various tax issues must be addressed. This is also true of multi-member LLCs that are treated as partnerships for tax purposes. Here are some critical issues to include in your agreement so your business remains in compliance with federal tax law.

Identify and describe guaranteed payments to partners

For income tax purposes, a guaranteed payment is one made by a partnership that’s: 1) to the partner acting in the capacity of a partner, 2) in exchange for services performed for the partnership or for the use of capital by the partnership, and 3) not dependent on partnership income.

Because special income tax rules apply to guaranteed payments, they should be identified and described in a partnership agreement. For instance:

  • The partnership generally deducts guaranteed payments under its accounting method at the time they’re paid or accrued.
  • If an individual partner receives a guaranteed payment, it’s treated as ordinary income — currently subject to a maximum income tax rate of 37%. The recipient partner must recognize a guaranteed payment as income in the partner’s tax year that includes the end of the partnership tax year in which the partnership deducted the payment. This is true even if the partner doesn’t receive the payment until after the end of his or her tax year.

Account for the tax basis from partnership liabilities

Under the partnership income taxation regime, a partner receives additional tax basis in his or her partnership interest from that partner’s share of the entity’s liabilities. This is a significant tax advantage because it allows a partner to deduct passed-through losses in excess of the partner’s actual investment in the partnership interest (subject to various income tax limitations such as the passive loss rules).

Different rules apply to recourse and nonrecourse liabilities to determine a partner’s share of the entity’s liabilities. Provisions in the partnership agreement can affect the classification of partnership liabilities as recourse or nonrecourse. It’s important to take this fact into account when drafting a partnership agreement.

Clarify how payments to retired partners are classified

Special income tax rules also apply to payments made in liquidation of a retired partner’s interest in a partnership. This includes any partner who exited the partnership for any reason.

In general, payments made in exchange for the retired partner’s share of partnership property are treated as ordinary partnership distributions. To the extent these payments exceed the partner’s tax basis in the partnership interest, the excess triggers taxable gain for the recipient partner.

All other payments made in liquidating a retired partner’s interest are either: 1) guaranteed payments if the amounts don’t depend on partnership income, or 2) ordinary distributive shares of partnership income if the amounts do depend on partnership income. These payments are generally subject to self-employment tax.

The partnership agreement should clarify how payments to retired partners are classified so the proper tax rules can be applied by both the partnership and recipient retired partners.

Consider other partnership agreement provisions

Since your partnership may have multiple partners, various issues can come into play. You’ll need a carefully drafted partnership agreement to handle potential issues even if you don’t expect them to arise. For instance, you may want to include:

  • A partnership interest buy-sell agreement to cover partner exits.
  • A noncompete agreement.
  • How the partnership will handle the divorce, bankruptcy, or death of a partner. For instance, will the partnership buy out an interest that’s acquired by a partner’s ex-spouse in a divorce proceeding or inherited after a partner’s death? If so, how will the buyout payments be calculated and when will they be paid?

Minimize potential liabilities

Tax issues must be addressed when putting together a partnership deal. Contact us to be involved in the process.

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With Labor Day in the rearview mirror, it’s time to take proactive steps that may help lower your small business’s taxes for this year and next. The strategy of deferring income and accelerating deductions to minimize taxes can be effective for most businesses, as is the approach of bunching deductible expenses into this year or next to maximize their tax value.

Do you expect to be in a higher tax bracket next year? If so, then opposite strategies may produce better results. For example, you could pull income into 2024 to be taxed at lower rates, and defer deductible expenses until 2025, when they can be claimed to offset higher-taxed income.

Here are some other ideas that may help you save tax dollars if you act soon.

Estimated taxes

Make sure you make the last two estimated tax payments to avoid penalties. The third quarter payment for 2024 is due on September 16, 2024, and the fourth quarter payment is due on January 15, 2025.

QBI deduction

Taxpayers other than corporations may be entitled to a deduction of up to 20% of their qualified business income (QBI). For 2024, if taxable income exceeds $383,900 for married couples filing jointly (half that amount for other taxpayers), the deduction may be limited based on whether the taxpayer is engaged in a service-type business (such as law, health or consulting), the amount of W-2 wages paid by the business, and/or the unadjusted basis of qualified property (such as machinery and equipment) held by the business. The limitations are phased in.

Taxpayers may be able to salvage some or all of the QBI deduction (or be subject to a smaller deduction phaseout) by deferring income or accelerating deductions to keep income under the dollar thresholds. You also may be able increase the deduction by increasing W-2 wages before year end. The rules are complex, so consult us before acting.

Cash vs. accrual accounting

More small businesses are able to use the cash (rather than the accrual) method of accounting for federal tax purposes than were allowed to do so in previous years. To qualify as a small business under current law, a taxpayer must (among other requirements) satisfy a gross receipts test. For 2024, it’s satisfied if, during the three prior tax years, average annual gross receipts don’t exceed $30 million. Cash method taxpayers may find it easier to defer income by holding off on billing until next year, paying bills early or making certain prepayments.

Section 179 deduction

Consider making expenditures that qualify for the Section 179 expensing option. For 2024, the expensing limit is $1.22 million, and the investment ceiling limit is $3.05 million. Expensing is generally available for most depreciable property (other than buildings) including equipment, off-the-shelf computer software, interior improvements to a building, HVAC and security systems.

The high dollar ceilings mean that many small and midsize businesses will be able to currently deduct most or all of their outlays for machinery and equipment. What’s more, the deduction isn’t prorated for the time an asset is in service during the year. Even if you place eligible property in service by the last days of 2024, you can claim a full deduction for the year.

Bonus depreciation

For 2024, businesses also can generally claim a 60% bonus first-year depreciation deduction for qualified improvement property and machinery and equipment bought new or used, if purchased and placed in service this year. As with the Sec. 179 deduction, the write-off is available even if qualifying assets are only in service for a few days in 2024.

Upcoming tax law changes

These are just some year-end strategies that may help you save taxes. Contact us to customize a plan that works for you. In addition, it’s important to stay informed about any changes that could affect your business’s taxes. In the next couple years, tax laws will be changing. Many tax breaks, including the QBI deduction, are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025. Plus, the outcome of the presidential and congressional elections could result in new or repealed tax breaks.

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Choosing the right business entity is a key decision for any business. The entity you pick can affect your tax bill, your personal liability and other issues. For many businesses, a limited liability company (LLC) is an attractive choice. It can be structured to resemble a corporation for owner liability purposes and a partnership for federal tax purposes. This duality may provide the owners with several benefits.

Like the shareholders of a corporation, the owners of an LLC (called members rather than shareholders or partners) generally aren’t liable for business debts except to the extent of their investment. Therefore, an owner can operate a business with the security of knowing that personal assets (such as a home or individual investment account) are protected from the entity’s creditors. This protection is far greater than that afforded by partnerships. In a partnership, the general partners are personally liable for the debts of the business. Even limited partners, if they actively participate in managing the business, can have personal liability.

Electing classification

LLC owners can elect, under the “check-the-box rules,” to have the entity treated as a partnership for federal tax purposes. This can provide crucial benefits to the owners. For example, partnership earnings aren’t subject to an entity-level tax. Instead, they “flow through” to the owners in proportion to the owners’ respective interests in the profits and are reported on the owners’ individual returns and taxed only once. To the extent the income passed through to you is qualified business income (QBI), you’ll be eligible to take the QBI deduction, subject to various limitations.

In addition, since you’re actively managing the business, you can deduct on your individual tax return your ratable shares of any losses the business generates. This, in effect, allows you to shelter other income that you (and your spouse, if you’re married) may have.

An LLC that’s taxable as a partnership can provide special allocations of tax benefits to specific partners. This can be an important reason for using an LLC over an S corporation (a form of business that provides tax treatment that’s similar to a partnership). Another reason for using an LLC over an S corporation is that LLCs aren’t subject to the restrictions the federal tax code imposes on S corporations regarding the number of owners and the types of ownership interests that may be issued. (For example, an S corp can’t have more than 100 shareholders and can only have one class of stock.)

Evaluate the options

To sum up, an LLC can give you protection from creditors while providing the benefits of taxation as a partnership. Be aware that the LLC structure is allowed by state statute, and states may use different regulations. Contact us to discuss in more detail how use of an LLC or another option might benefit you and the other owners.

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Partnerships are often used for business and investment activities. So are multi-member LLCs that are treated as partnerships for tax purposes. A major reason is that these entities offer federal income tax advantages, the most important of which is pass-through taxation. They also must follow some special and sometimes complicated federal income tax rules.

Governing documents

A partnership is governed by a partnership agreement, which specifies the rights and obligations of the entity and its partners. Similarly, an LLC is governed by an operating agreement, which specifies the rights and obligations of the entity and its members. These governing documents should address certain tax-related issues. Here are some key points when creating partnership and LLC governing documents.

Partnership tax basics

The tax numbers of a partnership are allocated to the partners. The entity issues an annual Schedule K-1 to each partner to report his or her share of the partnership’s tax numbers for the year. The partnership itself doesn’t pay federal income tax. This arrangement is called pass-through taxation, because the tax numbers from the partnership’s operations are passed through to the partners who then take them into account on their own tax returns (Form 1040 for individual partners).

Partners can deduct partnership losses passed through to them, subject to various federal income tax limitations such as the passive loss rules.

Special tax allocations

Partnerships are allowed to make special tax allocations. This is an allocation of partnership loss, deduction, income or gain among the partners that’s disproportionate to the partners’ overall ownership interests. The best measure of a partner’s overall ownership interest is the partner’s stated interest in the entity’s distributions and capital, as specified in the partnership agreement. An example of a special tax allocation is when a 50% high-tax-bracket partner is allocated 80% of the partnership’s depreciation deductions while the 50% low-tax-bracket partner is allocated only 20% of the depreciation deductions.

Any special tax allocations should be set forth in the partnership agreement. However, to make valid special tax allocations, you must comply with complicated rules in IRS regulations.

Distributions to pay partnership-related tax bills

Partners must recognize taxable income for their allocations of partnership income and gains — whether those income and gains are distributed as cash to the partners or not. Therefore, a common partnership agreement provision is one that calls for the partnership to make cash distributions to help partners cover their partnership-related tax liabilities. Of course, those liabilities will vary, depending on the partners’ specific tax circumstances. The partnership agreement should specify the protocols that will be used to calculate distributions intended to help cover partnership-related tax bills.

For instance, the protocol for long-term capital gains might call for distributions equal to 15% or 20% of each partner’s allocation of the gains.

Such distributions may be paid out in early April of each year to help cover partners’ tax liabilities from their allocations of income and gains from the previous year.

Contact us for assistance

When putting together a partnership or LLC deal, tax issues should be addressed in the agreement. Contact us to be involved in the process.

© 2024

Your businesses may have a choice between using the cash or accrual method of accounting for tax purposes. The cash method often provides significant tax benefits for those that qualify. However, some businesses may be better off using the accrual method. Therefore, you need to evaluate the tax accounting method for your business to ensure that it’s the most beneficial approach.

The current situation

“Small businesses,” as defined by the tax code, are generally eligible to use either cash or accrual accounting for tax purposes. (Some businesses may also be eligible to use various hybrid approaches.) Before the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) took effect, the gross receipts threshold for classification as a small business varied from $1 million to $10 million depending on how a business was structured, its industry and whether inventory was a material income-producing factor.

The TCJA simplified the definition of a small business by establishing a single gross receipts threshold. It also increased the threshold to $25 million (adjusted for inflation), expanding the benefits of small business status to many more companies. For 2024, a small business is one whose average annual gross receipts for the three-year period ending before the 2024 tax year are $30 million or less (up from $29 million in 2023).

In addition to eligibility for the cash method of accounting, small businesses enjoy simplified inventory accounting, exemption from the uniform capitalization rules and the business interest deduction limit, and several other tax advantages. Be aware that some businesses are eligible for cash accounting even if their gross receipts are above the threshold, including S corporations, partnerships without any C corporation partners, farming businesses and certain personal service corporations. Also, tax shelters are ineligible for the cash method, regardless of size.

Potential advantages

For most businesses, the cash method provides significant tax advantages. Because cash-basis businesses recognize income when it’s received and deduct expenses when they’re paid, they have greater control over the timing of income and deductions. For example, they can defer income by delaying invoices until the following tax year or shift deductions into the current year by accelerating the payment of expenses.

In contrast, accrual-basis businesses recognize income when it’s earned and deduct expenses when they’re incurred, without regard to the timing of cash receipts or payments. That means they have little flexibility to time the recognition of income or expenses for income tax purposes.

The cash method also provides cash flow benefits. Because income is taxed in the year it’s received, it helps ensure that a business has the funds it needs to pay its tax bill.

For some businesses, however, the accrual method may be preferable. For instance, if a company’s accrued income tends to be lower than its accrued expenses, the accrual method may result in lower tax liability than the cash method. Other potential advantages of using the accrual method include the abilities to deduct year-end bonuses paid within the first 2½ months of the following tax year and to defer taxes on certain advance payments.

Issues when switching methods

Even if your business would enjoy a tax advantage by switching from the accrual method to the cash method, or vice versa, it’s important to consider the administrative costs involved in making the change. For example, if your business prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), it’s required to use the accrual method for financial reporting purposes.

Does that mean you can’t use the cash method for tax purposes? No, but it would require the business to maintain two sets of books. Changing accounting methods for tax purposes may also require IRS approval. Contact us to learn more about each method.

© 2024

Understanding taxes on real estate gains

Let’s say you own real estate that has been held for more than one year and is sold for a taxable gain. Perhaps this gain comes from indirect ownership of real estate via a pass-through entity such as an LLC, partnership or S corporation. You may expect to pay Uncle Sam the standard 15% or 20% federal income tax rate that usually applies to long-term capital gains from assets held for more than one year.

However, some real estate gains can be taxed at higher rates due to depreciation deductions. Here’s a rundown of the federal income tax issues that might be involved in real estate gains.

Vacant land

The current maximum federal long-term capital gain tax rate for a sale of vacant land is 20%. The 20% rate only hits those with high incomes. Specifically, if you’re a single filer in 2024, the 20% rate kicks in when your taxable income, including any land sale gain and any other long-term capital gains, exceeds $518,900. For a married joint-filing couple, the 20% rate kicks in when taxable income exceeds $583,750. For a head of household, the 20% rate kicks when your taxable income exceeds $551,350. If your income is below the applicable threshold, you won’t owe more than 15% federal tax on a land sale gain. However, you may also owe the 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) on some or all of the gain.

Gains from depreciation

Gain attributable to real estate depreciation calculated using the applicable straight-line method is called unrecaptured Section 1250 gain. This category of gain generally is taxed at a flat 25% federal rate, unless the gain would be taxed at a lower rate if it was simply included in your taxable income with no special treatment. You may also owe the 3.8% NIIT on some or all of the unrecaptured Section 1250 gain.

Gains from depreciable qualified improvement property

Qualified improvement property (QIP) generally means any improvement to an interior portion of a nonresidential building that’s placed in service after the date the building is placed in service. However, QIP does not include expenditures for the enlargement of the building, elevators, escalators or the building’s internal structural framework.

You can claim first-year Section 179 deductions or first-year bonus depreciation for QIP. When you sell QIP for which first-year Section 179 deductions have been claimed, gain up to the amount of the Section 179 deductions will be high-taxed Section 1245 ordinary income recapture. In other words, the gain will be taxed at your regular rate rather than at lower long-term gain rates. You may also owe the 3.8% NIIT on some or all of the Section 1245 recapture gain.

What if you sell QIP for which first-year bonus depreciation has been claimed? In this case, gain up to the excess of the bonus depreciation deduction over depreciation calculated using the applicable straight-line method will be high-taxed Section 1250 ordinary income recapture. Once again, the gain will be taxed at your regular rate rather than at lower long-term gain rates, and you may also owe the 3.8% NIIT on some or all of the recapture gain.

Tax planning point: If you opt for straight-line depreciation for real property, including QIP (in other words, you don’t claim first-year Section 179 or first-year bonus depreciation deductions), there won’t be any Section 1245 ordinary income recapture. There also won’t be any Section 1250 ordinary income recapture. Instead, you’ll only have unrecaptured Section 1250 gain from the depreciation, and that gain will be taxed at a federal rate of no more than 25%. However, you may also owe the 3.8% NIIT on all or part of the gain.

Plenty to consider

As you can see, the federal income tax rules for gains from sales of real estate may be more complicated than you thought. Different tax rates can apply to different categories of gain. And you may also owe the 3.8% NIIT and possibly state income tax, too. We will handle the details when we prepare your tax return. Contact us with questions about your situation.

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